The beneficiaries of the two sessions of Measure 1 - Microgrants and those of Measure 2 - Working Capital Grants, who did not respect the deadlines for submitting reports, submitted them incompletely or did not submit the requested information and/or documents, now have the opportunity to resume this procedural step, without having to repay the funding.
The new deadline for submitting the full report is Tuesday, June 6, announced the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism.
If this deadline is also exceeded, the procedure for recovering the financial support will be initiated or, as the case may be, continued, according to the state aid recovery methodologies.
The derogation does not apply to beneficiaries whose financial support has already been recovered.
Within the framework of Law No. 94 of April 12, 2023 for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 109/2022 regarding some measures for water and wastewater infrastructure projects FUNDED from European funds and for the amendment of certain normative acts, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 320 of 18.04.2023, Government Emergency Ordinance no. 130/2020 on some measures for the granting of financial support from non-reimbursable external funds, related to the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, in the context of the crisis caused by COVID-19, as well as other measures in the field of European funds, was amended, in the sense that the following Article 16^2 was introduced:
"(1) In the situation where the beneficiaries of state aid/final aid, other than those to whom the provisions of art. 16^1 were applied, have not complied with the deadlines for submitting the reports provided for in art. 9 para. (1) letter h) and art. 16 para. (1) letter h) or have submitted the reports with missing information or have not completed the requested information/documents, and financial support granted in the form of state aid has not been recovered, they may submit the complete and correct report within 45 days, under penalty of AM-POC/MAT/AIMMAIPE initiating or, as the case may be, continuing the procedure for recovering the financial support granted in the form of state aid, according to the state aid recovery methodologies.
(2) If AM-POC/MAT/AIMMAIPE has initiated the procedures for the recovery of state aid, they shall be suspended until the expiry of the term provided for in paragraph (1).”