We inform you that the Trade Register is suspending its activity between July 16 and July 25. All applications received will be taken over and prepared by the Organic Consulting team and will be resolved after July 25.

The Ministry of Finance has begun the analysis of progressive taxation

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has begun an analysis of the progressive tax.

Alin Andrieş, State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, reveals that the discussion is both technical and political, but the decision to introduce it will be purely political.

According to Agerpres, representatives of the Ministry of Finance stated that 2024 will not bring increases in taxes and duties.

"This analysis (of the progressive tax - no) started last year and I must mention (...) that this type of analysis takes place continuously," declared Alin Andrieş, according to the source cited above.

"The measures we took in 2023 will have the expected effect and will depend on the behavior of economic agents. No matter how much you discuss them, in the end, increasing taxes or fees or introducing new taxes or eliminating facilities is not, let's say, applauded by the business environment," he also stated.

Progressive taxation means that as taxpayers' incomes increase, the tax rates owed to the state also increase.
